Wow! What an experience! I am so lucky to have the support that I do, and I cannot thank my friends and family enough.
Saturday night started out with my car breaking down. Luckily I was close to a friend’s house and wasn’t stranded on the side of the road! I spent the night franticly calling people to figure out a ride to the Hopkins Little Theater in the morning. By about 1am I was in tears, contemplating pulling out of the pageant. My brother in-law was gracious enough to awake early, pick me up and drive me there. He even got me there early! And for those of you who know me, that’s quite the accomplishment!
Sunday started out slow, when we arrived the theater was still locked and we had a little bit of down time to get settled in. After a quick contestant meeting, we got things started. We had to learn walking patterns, rehearse talent and prepare for interviews. Before we knew it, it was 1:30pm and interviews were starting for the Teen contestants. After interviews it is all a blur, the rest of the day came so quick! I can honestly say this was the fastest pageant I have ever been a part of! Before I even had time to think, we were all on stage waiting for the winner to be announced. Waiting on stage is always a little frightening, but I just remind myself that it is in God’s hands, and He has a plan for us no matter what happens. I was more than honored to be announced your new Miss North Metro 2011. It was an amazing group of five other girls, and I would not have wanted the job of a judge that night!
Being crowned your new Miss North Metro reassured me that God does have a plan for us, and we can’t let obstacles stand in our way. We need only to trust in Him and He will lead the way.